Sunday, June 19, 2011

HRC stands for Hypocritical Riduculous Council

17th June 2011.

The UN Human Rights Council approved the agenda for the next five years.
The agenda singles out Israel for human rights violations (again).
While ruthless dictatorships kill hundreds of their own citizens (Syria), women are denied basic rights and access to education in many countries (Saudi), and gay people are being hung for their "crimes" (Iran), Israel is the only country to be awarded its own clause on the HRC's agenda.

And then people say Israelis are paranoid.
well, just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not after you!

Here's a guy that says it better than I can.

I've been asked to add some more documentation on this:
This is the summary of the General Assembly resolution voted on Friday to approve the HRC's agenda.

This is the HRC's 17th session's agenda. Note articles 4 and 7. These articles became permanent items on the HRC's agenda since the 6th session, in 2007.

This is a link to the HRC's webpage.
You can see the agenda for each session (HRC sessions are listed on the right panel, in each of them there is a link for the agenda).

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