Sunday, June 26, 2011

Finishing Hitler's work

26th June 2011

I try to only post real news and not "someone said something" kind of news, but I'll make an exception for this one.
Minister of Justice, Ya'akov Ne'eman was quoted saying "What Hitler - may his name and memory be forgotten - didn't manage to do is happening in the Diaspora with its horrific assimilation".
(Hebrew, English links.)
Someone should tell him that actually Hitler's ideas about Jews were much more to his own liking - inter-racial marriage was a big no no in Nazi Germany.

This Minister of Justice, in charge of the judicial system, was also quoted (and filmed) saying:
"Step by step, we will bestow upon the citizens of Israel the laws of the Torah and we will turn halacha into the binding law of the nation".

-- Editted
The keen eyed might notice this post is an exception in not just one, but two ways.
It was posted on the day of publication - it is not "Yesterday's News".

I suppose I felt personally attacked, and reacted hastily.

As a Jewish man married to a non-Jewish woman, I am considered by Ne'eman and his fellow religious fanatics a traitor to my people.
If this was only their personal view, who cares. But these men hold the highest official positions in the Israeli government, ministers of Justice, of Interior affairs, of Health... In Israel, I could not have married my wife, being of different religions - their is no civil law marriage in this country. The policies of this state are skewed by this racist approach in almost every area of life.
They say they are protecting the Jewish state.
I would like to tell him that in fact, I've never felt more Jewish. Embracing and being embraced by my non-Jewish family has made me, and my wife, invest much more than before in searching, studying, and celebrating our traditions.
Last year we had some twenty non-Jewish friends and family at our Rosh Hashana Seder, and they all enjoyed Gefilte Fish.

These religious self appointed saviors of the nation have the nerve to tell me my daughter is not Jewish because her mother is not.

No, it's no use.
This is today's news, and I am too pissed off to comment.
I just wish more of the secular liberal (diminishing) majority in Israel would get pissed off.

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